Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Got milk?

How crazy are these milk cartons?? I found them over on They were designed by David Fung. It caught my eye as it's such an unusual packaging for an everyday item like milk.

The function seems to be to present milk in a fun new way. The colours correspond to the type of milk, which is a good visual method for your customers to rely on for distinguishing the differences. The use of flat white gives us an idea of the milk inside, which I thought was a great simple effect instead of opting for a more detailed approach. The droplet running from the spout and splashing at the bottom also adds a nice touch to break up the white and to keep the repetition of colour from each side.

The style has an almost De Stil / Pop Art feel to it. The use of solid blocks of colour contrasted against white is brilliant. The colour scheme shown here is pretty much a triad as well, I can imagine a whole aisle of this milk would look pretty speccy.

I particularly like the typography - for such a modern take on milk, I would have expected a heavier sans-serif font. The slim, simple font they've used works really well however.

I think the quality is excellent, it really shows a well executed 'outside the box' concept and I would totally buy this milk if I saw it at Woolies!

EDIT: It seems that designing milk cartons may be a standard part of a design degree, as I found some more cartons in a similar style.. Check it out..

I'm not really digging the thick outlined cow on these..

This has a cute 'Whitmans Sampler' cottage feel to it. Life is like a box of cows..

Nothing gets me more amped for some serious milk drinking than Mexico's Day of the Dead. Very cool.

1 comment:

  1. wow, that makes me want milk. so much better than most cartons.

