Thursday, March 19, 2009

Early modernism, today!

I spied this ad for IBM in the Design Graphics mag issue #59. It's function is to display the product in a racy way.

The style comes across as a sort of homage to early modernism, in particular the function and form of De Stijl shown in the tricycle, and Constructivism in the grid format of the text in a sans-serif font, with horizontals and verticals all aligning in order.

The use of white space is effective in drawing your eye straight to the main focal point, being the computer.

The header text "wanna race?" is entirely lowercase with a fullstop breaking the text up. All lowercase typography is so passe, they were doing it in the 30's.

Get with the times IBM.

1 comment:

  1. haha, yeah, im not sure if i'd get the ad straight away in a mag or whatever, but it's definately chanelling early modern!

