Thursday, February 12, 2009

CD Design

This is an album that was thrust into my hands at Monash’s O week a few years ago in Melbourne (most likely because it’s so awful they struggled to give them away). Somehow it’s managed to follow me across the country, which is lucky since it’s given me the opportunity to put it on here.

Highlights include hand illustration mixed with digital and punchy use of complimentary colours. The front and inside covers remind me of the Rorsarch inkblot test, make of it what you will. The illo on the CD itself is a carnival ride, which ties with the album title “Moments in Movement”. I like the stark contrast of white that provides the background as it helps the colours pop.

All in all, terrible music but a cool CD design.


  1. Great pick, Samantha, amazing busy design yet so effective. I love the fact that they have gone from busy front to calm inside back to busy next page etc. As an advertisment for the CD it did its job, because it grabs your attention. I like you write-up too. well done.

  2. I cant say i have ever seen a cd cover like it. Its a shame the music is terrible, but i would buy the cd just for the design. I love the style of the coloured inks used on the cover.

